Abandoned Home, Lee Vining
Large format, taken at 6:39 p.m. on June 9, 2006, about 3 miles south of Lee Vining, California. The exposure was 1/2 second at f/45.0 on Ilford FP4+ film. 060906-12A

Red Mountain Creek, Ouray, Colorado
Red Mountain Creek comes down from Red Mountain, so named because of the iron ore rocks that are so common, and the color shows up in the water. D810 at 80mm @ f/9 @ 1/25 sec @ ISO 64

Crystal Mill, Crystal, Colorado
I rented a Jeep and, after a full night of rain, drove up a rough 8 miles from Marble to visit the Crystal Mill. The rain turned to snow as I shot, as you see here. This mill was functional in the late 1800s. D810 at 56mm @ f/8 @ 1/10 sec @ISO 100

Black Point Sunrise
Large format taken at 5:36 a.m. on June 8, 2006, from the edge of Mono Lake, California, at Black Point. The exposure was 1/15 second at f/45.6 on Fuji Provia 100 film. 060806-02A

Mt. Sneffles, Dallas Divide, Ridgway, Colorado
This is a very popular scene with a large parking area and long lenses lined up along a fence line. We arrived before dawn and it was very cloudy but after a couple of hours the clouds started to break and we got great shots. This is an HDR shot of composed of 7 photos. D810 at 80mm @ f/8 @ various shutter speeds @ ISO 64

Eastern Slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains
Large format, taken at 2:49 p.m. on June 4, 2006, from a location just north of Bridgeport, California, looking west at the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The exposure was 1 second at f/64.0 on Ilford FP4+ film.

Cimarron Ridge, Ridgway, Colorado
Deep in the mountains around Ridgway, this scene shows aspens in their fall colors against the mountains, already mostly covered in snow in late September. D810 at 50mm @ f/16 @ 1/5 sec @ ISO 64

Sagging Roof
Large format, taken at 11:51 a.m. on June 7, 2006, in Bodie, California, which is now Bodie State Historic Park. This shed, attached to the back of another building shows the wear of too much time and snow. The exposure was 1/30th second at f/16.0 on Ilford FP+ film. 060706-08

Tree Upshot, Idaho Springs, Colorado
Sitting above the Virginia Canyon Road, which the locals call the “Oh My God Road” because of tourists’ reaction to the gravel surface, steep drop-offs, and lack of guardrails, this tree looked great against the clouds and blue sky. D810 at 58mm @ f/13 @ 1/640 sec @ ISO 1000

Grand Canyon at Toroweap, Arizona
There are no fences here so I crawled out to the edge of the north rim, put my camera on the tripod with a cable release, shoved it over the side, and took a photograph of the canyon. It is about 3,000 vertical feet to the water below, although if you fell you might bounce off the wall a couple of times on the way down. D810 at 24mm @ f/16 @ 1/80 sec @ ISO 64

Mono Lake Sunrise
Large format, taken at 5:23 a.m. on June 8, 2006, from the north shore of Mono Lake. The slow shutter speed blurred the movement of the birds in the dim light. The exposure was 1/8 second at f/11.5 on Kodak E100VS film. 060806-01

Scruffy's Bar and Casino
Medium format, taken on about August 3, 2005, in McKenzie, North Dakota, a tiny town on the great plains just east of Bismark. Taken on Ilford Delta 100 film. MF-1-12

Merrick Butte, Monument Valley, Arizona
Two of the most famous iconic buttes in Monument Valley are East and West Mitten, and right next to them stands Merrick Butte. These formations rise, freestanding, right out of the desert floor. The color here comes from a sun so low on the horizon it doesn’t illuminate the base of the butte. D810 at 165mm @ f/8 @ 1/80 sec @ ISO 400

Settler's Barn
Medium format, taken on July 20, 2005, in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. This image of a barn from the early Mormon settlers is not of the famous Moulton barn, but is another nearby. Taken on Kodak T-Max 100. 3408-7

Uncompaghre River Aspens, Ouray, Colorado
Looking across the Uncompahgre River Canyon from the Million Dollar Highway, these aspens really stand out from the gray cliffs around them. D810 at 80mm @ f/8 @ 1/400 sec @ ISO 200

Mt. Trumbull Houses, Arizona
Mt. Trumbull is an area rather than a town and is marked by an old schoolhouse at a dirt crossroads about 60 miles from the nearest town with a shopping area. Remote. There are many inhabited homes in the area but not these, falling apart after years of weather and sun. D810 at 24mm @ f/8 @ 1/500 sec @ ISO 64

Teton Sunrise
Large format, taken at 6:20 a.m. on July 31, 2005, from a bridge on Buffalo Fork Road at Turpin Meadow Ranch. I took the shot just as sunrise illuminated the very peak of Grand Teton, about 24 miles distant. The exposure was 2 seconds at f/64 on Kodak E100VS film. 073105-01A

Cabin, Crystal, Colorado
Crystal is remote hamlet about 8 pretty rough miles up Route 3 from Marble. After watching the cold rain turn to snow and eating lunch in our rented Jeep, my cousin and I walked around town, about 10 houses, before driving back out. D810 at 34mm @ f/13 @ 1/640 sec @ ISO 4000

Closed Grain Elevator
Medium format with 150mm lens, taken probably on August 2, 2005, in McKenzie, North Dakota, just east of Bismark. MF-1-01

Crystal River Waterfall, Crystal, Colorado
Driving down the Crystal River Valley in Central Colorado in late September, this was the view of the river through falling snow. It had been snowing for hours in the high country above us and it finally caught us, a sure sign that winter was not far away. D810 at 80mm @ f/6.3 @ 1/400 sec @ ISO 1600

Ohio Creek Ranch, Gunnison, Colorado
The frost from a very chilly night was burning off the trucks and buildings at this small ranch surrounded by fall trees just after sunrise. In a nearby pasture I shot a calf with frost on its back. D810 at 135mm at f/5.6 @ 1/200 sec @ ISO 64

Aspen Upshot, Kebler Pass, Colorado
Taken looking straight up, and set against a brilliant blue sky, these aspen trees in their fall colors are located a few miles west of the summit of Kebler Pass (elevation 10,007 ft.). D810 at 24mm @ f/22 @ 1/100 sec @ ISO 200

No Trespassing, Ohio Creek Road, Gunnison, Colorado
Set on a small hill overlooking the road and with a beautiful of mountains on several sides, this home shows the wear of time and weather. D810 at 390mm @ f/6.3 @ 1/250 sec @ ISO 64

Aspen Trunks, Ohio Creek Road, Gunnison, Colorado
Beautiful aspen trunks in the sun high on a mountainside. D810 at 70mm @ f/22 @ 1/100 sec @ ISO 800

Gunnison River, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, Colorado
The light was coming from the right side of the photograph but reflecting off a rock wall on the left to illuminate this cliff wall above the river. Understanding that this image was shot looking steeply down with long telephoto lens will give you an idea of the height of the cliff. D810 at 400mm @ f/9 @ 1/15 sec @ ISO 64

Owl Creek Road, Ridgway, Colorado
Driving miles out and into the San Juan Mountains of southern Colorado, we came to this scene with aspens in their fall colors leading up to mountains topping 11,000 feet. This is an HDR shot of 7 photos. D810 at 80mm @ f/9 @ various shutter speeds @ ISO 64

Gros Ventre to Grand Teton
Medium format taken with 150mm lens on about July 20, 2005, looking across Jackson Hole from the Gros Ventre (translated literally from the French for "fat belly") Road to Grand Teton mountain. 3408-9

Crystal Lake Reflection, Ouray, Colorado
In order to get the camera just a few inches from the water’s surface I turned it upside down under the tripod and shot just as the sun hit the top of Red Mountain. In spite of the mist, this was a very chilly morning. D810 at 34mm @ f/11 @ 1/5 sec @ ISO 64

Shade Tree, Mancos Valley, Colorado
Driving from Durango to Mancos, I stopped to shoot a beautiful valley and just as I shot, the sun came out on only one tree in the valley, creating one spot of shade. This is a 5-shot HDR image. D810 at 46mm @ f/8 @ 1/60 sec @ ISO 160

West Mitten at Sunset, Monument Valley, Arizona
After a very dull and lifeless sunset, the sun suddenly burst out below a heavy cloud deck for about one minute before going below the horizon. I had my telephoto lens ready and managed a few shots just in time. D810 at 160mm @ f/8 @ 1/160 sec @ ISO 400

South Fork Falls, Wyoming
Medium format, taken with a 150 mm lens, in late July, 2005. This falls is almost impossible to get to, about a 12 or 15 mile horseback ride from the nearest road, and impossible to see once you arrive! This picture was taken by mounting the camera on a tripod and holding it over the edge of the very narrow canyon and using a cable release to fire the shutter. MF-3406-11

The Mittens at Sunrise, Monument Valley, Arizona
Up early, I shot West and East Mitten and Merrick Butte before the sun came up. It was a long enough exposure to blur the last star of the morning. This also shows that the buttes are anomalies in a generally pretty flat desert. D810 at 40mm @ f/20 @ 25 sec @ ISO 64

Cactus, Bar 10 Ranch, Arizona
This “rabbit cactus” in Paw’s Pocket, a tiny valley near the north rim of the Grand Canyon, was shot at sunset. D810 at 70mm @ f/2.8 @ 1/500 sec @ ISO 64

Hayes Creek Falls, Redstone, Colorado
Tucked into a tiny canyon on a tight section of Route 133 is this small waterfall. Shooting it in bright conditions with the deep shade the trees provided meant making a 6-shot HDR photo. D810 at 24mm @ various apertures and shutter speeds @ ISO 64

Buffalo Fork River Valley, Wyoming
Medium format with 150mm lens, taken in mid-July, 2005, from behind Turpin Meadow Ranch, about 45 minutes drive north of Jackson, Wyoming, and looking west toward the Teton Mountains with Grand Teton in the center. M3404-14

Abandoned Homestead, Southern Idaho
This farm was way out in the middle of nowhere somewhere along Interstate 84. There was little around it except the rolling hills and some slightly higher hills for many, many miles. D810 at 90mm @ f/13 @ 1/8000 sec @ ISO 4000

Yellow-bellied Marmot, Mount Evans, Colorado
Mount Evans has the highest paved road in the country, going to 14,200 feet, and although narrow, winding, and often barely stuck to the side of a cliff, it has very little guardrail making viewing the scenery somewhat hazardous. And you have no idea how hard it is to persuade a marmot to pose like this! D810 at 300mm @ f/5.6 @ 1/1600 sec @ ISO 1600