Robinson Brook Wavy Log
Buried deep into the bank of a small woodland stream far from trails and roads, this deteriorating log has become part of the bank. Shot on 6x4.5 Ilford FP4+, exposure data not recorded.

Butler Brook, Marlow
Large format, taken at 10:03 a.m. on April 27, 2003, near Route 123 a mile or so west of the town of Marlow, New Hampshire. The exposure was 1/2 second at f/32 on Fuji Provia 100 film. 042703-01

Deer Pond at Dawn
Large format taken with a Graflex 4x5 at 6:34 a.m. on August 9, 2002, at a pond deep in the New Hampshire woods. Exposure was 1/2 second at f/32 on Kokak T-Max 100 film. 080902-02

Loon Swimming, Cold Spring Pond, New Hampshire
Digital photograph, taken in the early morning of August 4, 2007, of an extremely cooperative loon who was diving to feed and resurfacing near me. This shot was taken at a distance of perhaps 40 feet. The exposure was 1/160 second at f/5.3 handheld from a kayak at 405 mm with a lens that does not have vibration reduction.

Deer Pond Knot Grass
Large format, taken at 7:13 a.m. on October 6, 2002, at a pond hidden in the New Hampshire woods. The exposure was 10 seconds at f/32 on Fuji Provia 100 film. 100602-04

Deer Pond Misty Fall Morning
Large format, taken at 6:47 a.m. on October 6, 2002, at a pond in the New Hampshire woods. The exposure was 12 seconds at f/32 on Fuji Provia 100 film. 100602-02

Fall Beech in Woods
Large format, taken with Graflex 4x5 at 8:50 a.m. on October 22, 2004, in a stand of pine trees near a gravel road through the woods of southern New Hampshire. The exposure was 1/2 second at f/8.0 on Fuji Provia 100 film. 102204-02

Fox Brook Forest
Large format, taken with a Graflex at 6:56 a.m. on August 5, 2002, in a fairly remote part of a private woodland in southern New Hampshire. Exposure was 30 seconds at f/32 on Fuji Provia 100 film. 080502-02

Fox Brook Waterfall
Large format, taken with a Graflex at 8:33 a.m. on August 13, 2002, near a colonial road deep in the woods of southern New Hampshire. Exposure was for 10 secnds at f/32 on Fuji Provia 100 film. 041302-03

Harper Falls, Upstate New York
Medium format, taken with a 55mm lens on September 30, 2006, in St. Lawrence County in far upstate New York after a rain. Taken on Ilford FP4+ film. MF-9-5

Jefts Road Beaver Pond
Large format, taken at 12:19 p.m. on August 5, 2003, of some grass at the edge of a beaver pond near a back-woods road in southern New Hampshire. The black bottom of the pond is from the decaying matter on the bottom of the pool of clear water. The exposure was 1 second at f/64 on Fuji Provia 100 film. 080503-03

Moss and Bark
Large format, taken at 5:10 p.m. on October 22, 2004, in a bog in the woods of southern New Hampshire. The exposure was 1/2 at f/32.5 on Fuji Provia 100 film. 102204-04

Old Carding Mill Window
Medium format, taken with a 150mm lens on November 6, 2005, in Stoddard, New Hampshire. This old mill sits next to a state highway and has been preserved and protected by its owners. Taken on Ilford Delta 400 film. MF-3-13

Old Highway Bridge
Large format, taken at 7:23 a.m. on August 5, 2003, from beneath the "new" Route 9 highway bridge of the old bridge. This bridge was damaged during extreme flooding in October of 2005 but has since been repaired. The exposure was 5 seconds at f/64 on Fuji Provia 100 film. 080503-02

Stump and Reflection in Fall, Deer Pond, New Hampshire
Digital photograph, taken on October 6, 2007, of an old stump from a large tree, now surrounded by Deer Pond, with fall leaves reflected on the water. The exposure was 1/6 second at f/4.5 braced against a tree at 105 mm.

Passing Time at Robinson Brook
Large format, taken at 7:40 a.m. on August 6, 2003, deep in the woods of southern New Hampshire. I took advantage of a foggy morning to keep the light constant so I could take a long exposure and experiment with reciprocity failure. The exposure was 18 minutes at f/22 on Kodak T-Max 100 film. 080603-01

Peeling Birch Bark
Medium format taken with a 150mm lens on September 30, 2005, along a gravel road through the woods of New Hampshire on Ilford Delta 100 film. MF-2-8

School Street
Large format, taken at 7:21 a.m. on October 5, 2003, in Hancock, New Hampshire. The exposure was 26 seconds at f/32 on Kodak T-Max 100 film. 100503-03

Silent Sentry
Medium format taken on November 6, 2005, of a stone gatepost in New Hampshire, typical of this part of New England in the last century. Many have now been broken by people wishing to go "four wheeling" on the woodland roads behind these gates. Taken on Ilford Delta 400 film. MF-3-9

Snowy Leaves
Large format, taken at 3:36 p.m. on October 24, 2003, next to a small stream deep in the woods of southern New Hampshire. The exposure was 2 seconds at f/16 on Kodak E100VS film. 102403-04

CapeElizabeth IceTriangle
Image shot at Two Lights State Park on Cape Elizabeth, south of Portland, Maine, on the day after Thanksgiving in 2013. The rocks that make up the "beach" have a very interesting wood-like grain structure and this is a frozen puddle in a split in the rocks. Shot at ISO 400 for 1/100 second at f/2.8 on my D200.

Yellow Birch
Large format, taken at 2:41 p.m. on October 4, 2003, a couple of miles from the nearest public road and a hundred feet from a dirt road. The exposure was 1/4 second at f/16.9 with 2/3 of a stop bellows factor on Fuji Provia 100 film. 102403-02

Tree Skeleton
Medium format, taken on September 30, 2005, at a beaver pond in New Hampshire. Taken on Ilford Delta 100 film. MF-1-14

King Street, Washington, New Hampshire
Digital photograph, taken in the early morning of October 7, 2007, of the New Hampshire woods in all their fall glory. Maintained in summer only, this road leads through the woods to Stoddard for those in appropriate vehicles. The exposure was 1/6 second at f4.5 from a tripod at 105mm.

Fog at Sunrise, Deer Pond, New Hampshire
Digital photograph, taken on October 6, 2007, just after 7:30 a. m. as the fog was settling in. The objects in the water are either floating leaves and branches or small stumps, but they are hard to discern in the fog. It is also hard to find the line where the fog meets the water between the trees towards the farther part of the pond. The exposure was 1/90 second at f/4.8 at 27 mm.

Glass Road Turkeys
Medium format, taken at about 8:00 a. m. on October 6, 20007, while driving out of the New Hampshire woods. This group spent some time ambling up the road ahead of me, almost completely unconcerned by me presence. Taken with a 300 mm lens on Fuji Provia 100 film from a tripod. MF-0907-27

Captain Jones’ Leg, New Hampshire
Large format, taken at 12:34 p. m. on October 6, 2007. In a small town in New Hampshire there is a very old graveyard where this grave marker is found. I looked around and did not see a marker indicating that the rest of Capt. Jones is there but there were others named Jones from about that time period nearby. The story I heard is that Capt. Jones lost his leg, knew he would miss it, and wanted to be sure it was in heaven when he got there. The exposure was ½ second at f/32.7 on Agfapan APX 100 film. 100607-07B